Are you presently intending to get a new credit card this coming year? If so, comprehending the credit card approval process will assist you to when selecting the appropriate card to suit your needs. On this post, let us discuss the step-by-step procedure for obtaining a credit card.
Comparison. There a variety of types of credit cards already in the market and it’s important that you choose a card that complements your individual needs and lifestyle. There are credit cards which are especially devised for students and some credit cards offer different reward programs.
Some credit cards strictly require good or excellent credit so when you have a poor score, you must look for credit cards for bad credit. It’s important to understand or know submitting an application for a credit card that strictly requires good credit will only cause rejection. Thus, before you apply to your chosen credit card, you need to first make sure that you meet all of the issuer’s requirements.
Look at the terms and conditions. You can easily compare credit cards online by looking at a comparison website. Credit cards are frequently arranged according to categories making comparison fast and convenient. For instance, all credit cards for bad credit are listed in one page and all credit cards with rewards can be found in a separate page.
The main features of each credit card just like the interest, annual fee, credit limit, together with other costs are often highlighted in a comparison website. However, when you have refined your options, be prepared to do further research. Check the official website of each credit card which you feel is correct for you.
The terms and conditions vary from one issuer even to another. Be prepared to spend a little more period reading and comprehending the terms and conditions. See to it that there are no hidden charges knowing that the conditions are reasonable.
Application. Many credit card issuers today allow application through the internet. This implies, it is possible to fill out an application form in the credit card issuer’s website and submit it online. Before submitting an application, make sure you are on the official website of the credit card issuer and that the page is secured.
Do not forget that you can be required to enter a few of your own personal information like your Social Security number, address, and employment details. Submitting a form from an unsecured page will put you at risk from identity theft. A secured web page must start with the URL https://, instead of the usual http://.
Credit card applications are screened with an automated process which only takes a couple of minutes. After submitting the application, you can be ready to get a response after a few minutes or within the same day.
Activation. If your application is approved, your credit card will be sent via post mail after 4 to 5 banking days. Upon receiving the credit card, you will necessary to call the customer service number and supply some verifying information activate the account. Once verified, the credit card is ready to be used for transactions.